YTT Policies
StretchBodyMind Yoga Teacher Training Policies
The StretchBodyMind Yoga Teacher Training course is best suited to those already practicing Yoga, with a strong self-practice of at least 2 years.
The cost of the course is £2500. This can be paid by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
You can also pay in instalments by paying a small deposit of £250 and then regular monthly payments by BACS Transfer.
– Training and assessment by a qualified Yoga Alliance Professionals SYT
– SUBSIDISED Trainee membership with Yoga Alliance Professionals
– SUBSIDISED join up fee (saving of £35.00) if you upgrade your YAP membership
within 14 days of graduation
– Your Teacher Training Manual
Not included:
Tuition costs do not include textbooks, travel to the venue, or any residential costs. The approximate cost for the required reading is around £50. You will be asked to purchase the books from the required reading list a minimum of two weeks before the course commences as there will be advanced reading assignments. The required texts are widely available from local booksellers or can be ordered online.
Terms and Conditions
- Fees must be paid before the course completion date. Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable. Refunds for cancellations will NOT be given under any circumstances.
- StretchBodyMind reserves the right to cancel the course no less than one week before the start date without obligation. A minimum of 4 successful applicants is needed to start the course.
- While course materials will be supplied, candidates are required to bring their own pencils/pens and note paper as well as any Yoga/Pilates props they might require.
- Candidates will be encouraged to attend regular classes with the course tutors to ensure they receive feedback during their training.
- StretchBodyMind reserves the right to refer candidates who do not complete their examination, Learner Achievement Portfolio and practical demonstration.
- Course fees may be subject to change.
StretchBodyMind asks that you ensure at least a 90% attendance and completion of course and practical homework. You will also be assessed according to the Active IQ and Yoga Alliance UK guidelines.
1. Students will complete a Learner Achievement Portfolio showcasing their knowledge in the main elements of the course
2. Students will be required to create a 10 week class outline to ensure their knowledge is deeper than teaching one class
3. Students will complete a practical assessment of their teaching skills
4. Students will have a number of interviews with the Tutor/Assessor throughout the course
All successful graduates will receive an Active IQ Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga, a certificate of completion from StretchBodyMind and RYT 200 (Registered Yoga Teacher) status from the Yoga Alliance UK.
Complaints Procedure
StretchBodyMind is committed to ensuring that its services, products and courses are of the highest quality. The complaints procedure enables StretchBodyMind to respond clearly and properly to complaints and to know when and why people are not satisfied with its services and courses, so that they can improve them.
Complaints about a Teacher Training Course
There are three stages that you can follow to try to resolve the issue. We will always try to resolve any complaint as soon as possible.
You may wish to involve an advocate, friend or someone else to support you at any stage. If you need a sign language or community language interpreter, please let the person dealing with the compliant know and every reasonable effort will be made to provide it.
Stage One:
Speak to the individual(s) concerned and try to resolve the complaint informally on the day.
If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, try to resolve the issue by following stage two.
Stage Two:
Outline the details of your complaint by letter or email and send it to the person who will investigate the complaint.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days from the date it is received. The response will contain the following information:
- Name of the person who will investigate the complaint
- The date(s) that the incident happened
- What support you can expect to receive during the process of the complaint
- An expected response date
In fairness to all parties and to ensure the investigator is able to investigate the complaint in an open and meaningful way, we cannot guarantee your anonymity. In exceptional cases, however, where a child or vulnerable adult is involved, in accordance with national guidelines and good practice the identity of individuals at risk with be protected.
When the person(s) who are dealing with the complaint, have had an opportunity to review it, they will write to the tutor or person about whom the complaint has been made. The letter will outline the main elements of your complaint and ask for a full written response.
At this point, if further relevant information comes to light, you may be asked for your comments to ensure the investigator has a balanced understanding. When your response has been received, the investigator will consider all the information available to them and make a decision.
The response will include the following information:
- Details of the investigation
- A decision about whether the complaint was upheld or not
- The reason for the decision
- The re-dress, if appropriate, which will be offered to you , for example, an apology, additional help or directing you to other sources of advice or support
- Any other action that may be taken in light of the complaint
- If it is not possible to provide a full answer to your complaint within 30 working days, the letter will outline reasons why and give a date by which a full answer is expected.
Stage Three:
If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint then outline the reasons for your dissatisfaction by letter. Email this to Yoga Alliance Professionals (if the teachers are Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited). Note that Yoga Alliance Professionals does not hold a legal power but can act as a mediator between two parties in order to help resolve the issue(s).
Code of Conduct
In order to maintain high standards and ensure that we keep our good reputation, it is important that you reach a certain minimum standard. Whenever we feel that this is not the case, we will talk to you personally and try to put things right. The assessment is on a continuous basis and you will receive feedback on your progress. Students who do not meet the required standards will be asked to improve on the areas of weakness, and demonstrate that they have done this, before being issued with a certificate. All successful students can be registered on our database of accredited teachers.
This Code of Conduct is a summation and declaration of acceptable, ethical, and professional behaviour by which all students on this teacher training course agree to conduct during the course.
As a student of StretchBodyMind Yoga Teacher Training, I agree to uphold the ethical goals set forth in the following Code of Conduct:
- Behave and speak in a way that does not offend others.
- Dress appropriately.
- Seek help if needed during the course.
- Treat everyone with respect. Any form of bullying will be treated seriously and may lead to exclusion from the course.
- Ensure I am punctual and attend all tutorials (unless absence is explained or agreed prior).
- Meet deadlines for assignments and projects.
- Make sure all work produced for assignments and exams is my own work.
- Treat all course property with respect.
- Follow the teacher training course Health and Safety rules at all times.
- Switch off my mobile phone in class.
I agree to comply with the conditions and requirements as set out in the course curriculum, and accept that failure to do so will disqualify me from any accreditation. I furthermore vow to uphold the standards of the teachings I have been given, and to maintain and promote the good name of yoga at all times. I accept that failure to do so may lead to the annulment of any accreditation obtained from StretchBodyMind Yoga Teacher Training.
Print Name:
Course and starting date:
Signed and dated: